News and Updates

Casual Converstations: John Mathias on October 18, 2020

Our next casual conversation on Zoom, the fifth in the continuing series, will be led by our classmate and immediate past Class president, John Mathias.  (The first four were hosted by Tex Talmadge, Peter Elias, Arnie Resnicoff, and Dave Agan.)  John’s conversation will be held on Sunday, October 18 at 4 pm Eastern.  (Note the change in time from prior sessions.)   John’s topic is

Casual Conversation with Tex Talmadge onDecember 20, 2020: Civil War

After skipping a month, we will return on Sunday, December 20 at 3 pm Eastern (US) for a Zoom casual conversation led by Tex Talmadge with the possible assistance of Dudley Kay (whose birthday it is that day).  Our last casual conversation was led by John Mathias and the topic was his representation of criminal defendants facing the death penalty.  This was the most heavily attended of all the sessions, with 23 of us joining i

Casual Conversation with Ray Saginur April 25, 2021

After last month’s successful (37 participants at the height) Casual Conversation with Paul Tuhus sharing tips and answering questions about travel, we take a trip across the border into Canada for classmate and Ottawa resident Ray Saginur, M.D., to lead a discussion on Ethics and Covid-19.  Ray, as his description of the upcoming session and his bio attest, is trained in both infectious disease and ethics.  While a pandemic i

Casual Conversation with Professor Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin May 18th 2021

A special Casual Conversation on Tuesday, May 18 at 5 pm Eastern will feature as our guest the Chair of Dartmouth’s History Department, Professor Cecilia Gaposchkin.  This is the second of our Zoom sessions with Dartmouth faculty, the first being the Jewish Culture Group’s meeting with Jewish Studies Professor Susannah Heschel, daughter of the famed Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.