News and Updates

DCF Donors 2020-2021

Here is the final list of classmates who contributed to the Dartmouth College Fund for 2020-2021. Cash and Pledged Donations stand at $374,344, which exceeds our $325,000 goal by 15%. We also reached our participation goal of 35%, representing 228 classmates.



Casual Conversion with Professor Diana Schaub on March 29, 2022

On Tuesday, March 29, 2022, at 4:30 pm Eastern Time (US), Professor Diana Schaub will be speaking with us at a Casual Conversation.  Professor Schaub, who teaches at Loyola University of Maryland (just a few miles down Charles Street from where I live), has written a book on three of Abraham Lincoln’s speeches: address before the Springfield Lyceum in 1838, The Gettysburg Address in November 1863 and The Second Inaugural Addre

Casual Converstations: John Mathias on October 18, 2020

Our next casual conversation on Zoom, the fifth in the continuing series, will be led by our classmate and immediate past Class president, John Mathias.  (The first four were hosted by Tex Talmadge, Peter Elias, Arnie Resnicoff, and Dave Agan.)  John’s conversation will be held on Sunday, October 18 at 4 pm Eastern.  (Note the change in time from prior sessions.)   John’s topic is