Dear '69 Classmates,

I am looking forward to seeing many of you in Hanover next month at our 55th Reunion.   I know, however, that a majority of classmates will not be attending in person, so we have arranged for two sessions of the Reunion program to be available virtually: the Memorial Service honoring our departed classmates (1:30 - 3:00 PM ET on Tuesday, June 11) and the Class Meeting (3:30 - 4:30 PM ET on Wednesday, June 12).  Both will be distributed as Zoom links.

Under our recently revised Class Constitution, classmates who attend Class Meeting virtually, as well as those who attend in person, are eligible to vote, and there are matters on the agenda (see below) that will require a vote.  Of particular importance is the vote on class officers who will serve the next five years (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2029), through our 60th (!) Reunion.  

If you would like to participate virtually in either or both of these sessions, please email Peter Elias at no later than Monday, June 3rd, and he will send you the Zoom links.

All the best,

Jim Staros '69
Class President


Class of 1969 Hybrid Class Meeting Agenda
3:30 PM ET, June 12, 2024
(in-person in Filene Auditorium during Reunion and via Zoom)

1.    Call to order (Staros).

2.    President’s report (Staros).  Jim will briefly summarize class activities for the past year.

3.    Nominating Committee report (Glovsky).  Dick will present the slate of candidates from the Nominating Committee and lead voting on class officers for 2024-2029.

4.    Treasurer report (Willets).  Rick will summarize how class dues have been spent during the past year(s) and on the general financial condition of the class.

5.    Head Agent report (Myers & Hunt).  John and Tom will report on our 55th Reunion gifts to the College.

6.    Award Committee report (Lau).  Greg will review the Class of 1969 Outstanding Service Awards for 2023-2024.

7.    Special Projects Committee report (Bush).  Phil will review the class grant to Dartmouth EMS made at ComingHome 2023 and ideas for a special project for 2024.

8.    Webmaster report (Elias).  Peter will review the substantially upgraded website that he created and maintains for the class.  

9.    Newsletter Editor report (Denison).  Allen will review the class newsletters for 2023-2024, including the special issue on the Vietnam War.

10.    Alumni Councilor report (Glovsky).  Dick will report on the latest meeting of the Alumni Council.

11.    ComingHome report (Jacobs & Heller).  Norman and Dona will report on the dates and preliminary plans for ComingHome 2024, 2025, and a possible class 80th birthday party.

12.    Virtual Mini-reunions report (Fergenson).  Arthur will briefly summarize our on-line meetings during the past year and announce upcoming Casual Conversations.

13.    Compassion Network report (Elias & Talmadge).  Peter and Tex will report of the Compassion Network activities for 2023-2024.

14.    Other business.

15.    Adjournment.
