Dear classmates,

As our Class of 1969 representative on the Dartmouth Alumni Council, I’m again reaching out to ask for your input. The Alumni Council, which represents all classes, clubs, affiliated groups and various graduate schools, is YOUR Dartmouth eyes and ears. It’s here to help keep you informed about Dartmouth today, as well as to, hopefully, inspire engagement and share the views of Dartmouth’s alumni with the College’s leadership.

The theme of our upcoming May 18-19 meeting is The Path Ahead: Welcoming a New Era for Dartmouth. We have a full agenda planned with leaders from across campus, including President-Elect Sian Beilock, Senior Vice President and Senior Diversity Officer Shontay Delalue, Professor Matt Delmont, and more. In addition, we’ll also continue the important and robust discussion around mental health from our fall meeting, hold an interactive session on Global Dartmouth, and hear from the Board of Trustees.

If you have any comments or questions, please share them with me by Monday, May 1. If you do, I will seek to get them before campus leadership during our meeting. I also encourage you to share your feedback directly with the Alumni Liaison Committee (ALC) at any time through an online feedback form at You can learn more about the ALC, which collects and synthesizes alumni feedback to share with College administration, and read its Fall 2022 pulse check survey report here.

I hope to hear from you.

Dick Glovsky