For any Class or College event.

Upcoming Casual Conversations: Dates to save admin

Arthur Fergenson is keeping us both connected as a Class, and busy:

Important Update on the Harari-Sapiens Casual Conversation event

Due to a family conflict for Arthur (playing with grandkids), the discussion of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari has been moved from December 28 of this year to January 17 of next year and from 3 pm Eastern to 4:30 pm Eastern.
Thus far, the following have signed up:  Peter Elias, Daniel Cooperman, Peter Schaeffer, Steven Horwitz, and David Abbott.
The change of date allows more people to have the time to read the book and join us.  Please consider doing so.

Casual Conversations: The Fall Lineup

After the moving Casual Conversation with Shalom Lamm, head of Operation Benjamin, who was responsible for the replacement by the United States of a Latin Cross with a Star of David as the headstone of classmate Bruce Alpert’s wife’s uncle at his grave in Europe as a GI who died during WWII, we move into the Fall with a series of Casual Conversation notable for the variety of participants and their subject matter knowledge:

Casual Conversation with Professor Kallie Willets '99 on April 3, 2022

It is time to turn away from literature, sports, and religion (and a lot of physicians and lawyers) to take a dive into the world of high-end research chemistry.  Temple University Professor Katherine (Kallie) Willets, Dartmouth Class of ’99, daughter of our classmate and class officer Rick Willets, has agreed to spend an afternoon with us on Sunday, April 3 at 3 pm (Eastern) for a Casual Conv