Those who had the good fortune to attend the recent Casual Conversation with classmate Eric Forsythe were treated to wonderful tales about three lifetimes in the theater: Eric’s own, and those of his father and mother. 

The rest of you missed out on a great time with a raconteur whose performance at the Casual Conversation gave us a gentle introduction into the joys of being around those who make a living, precarious as it is, in the performing arts.


But all is not lost.  Many of you may (should!) remember his work from our years at Dartmouth: acting the lead in Patience, directing The Marriage of Mr. Mississippi, acting the lead in The Miser, acting the lead in Foley House’s Inter-Fraternity Play Contest-winning production of The Comeback, and many others.  For all of you who were there in the Hop then, and for all the rest of you as well, I have attached two links to Eric’s contributions to The Walt Whitman Archive.  The first is an audio of his reading Whitman: .  The second is a short video of modern New York City accompanying Eric’s narration of Walt Whitman’s 1865 poem, “Give Me The Splendid Silent Sun”: Ode To New York - Walt Whitman on Vimeo .


Enjoy these readings, and I hope that you will join us for all the Casual Conversations in the future.  They are not recorded, because a primary purpose is to bring classmates together, if only virtually. 

See you all soon!


Arthur Fergenson


